Friday, March 21, 2014

Congratulations to Mr. Suresh TP, Secretary, DNipCare, for being the Winner (2nd Prize) of Category Palliative Nurse of the Year in the International Journal of Palliative Care Nursing 2014 Awards in U K

Congratulations to Mr. Suresh TP, Secretary, DNipCare, for being the Winner (2nd Prize) of Category Palliative Nurse of the Year in the International Journal of Palliative Care Nursing 2014 Awards in U K

Mr. Suresh TP is a Male Nurse (General Nursing Midwifery) working in the Government General Hospital viz., Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi.  He has his 6 hourly shift duty rendering nursing support in the Emergency Operation Theatre of the Orthopaedic Department of this very busy Hospital crowded with patients not only from the National Capital Territory of Delhi, but also from adjoining States.  During the six hour shift he hardly gets a time to sit, but has to fully engage in the nursing care for the ailing patients.  The job schedule goes the same way including the night shifts which is of 12 hours and alternates with morning and evening shifts week after week.  He is so ardent with his profession that he seldom feels tiered.  However, the crux of the matter is that this Male Nurse has found his passion in patient care beyond his official duty and as a result renders Palliative Home Care for long term, bedridden, terminally ill patients including Cancer Patients and Geriatrics voluntarily without any remuneration under the Palliative Care organization viz., DNipCare.  Catheterization, feeding tube management etc of bedridden patients are being handled by different teams of Nurses under the overall leadership of Mr. Suresh at the home of the patients.  The time beyond his official duty is utilized for this purpose.  Bed sore management, physio therapy interventions and psycho social support etc are also integral parts of the Palliative Home Care being provided by the organization and are coordinated by Mr. Suresh. 

In addition to rendering Palliative Home Care to the patients, thrust is also given for propagation of preventive aspects of chronic diseases including Non-Communicable diseases and life style diseases.  Campaigns for this cause is done among different groups of the community including professionals, students, homemakers and retired senior citizens.  These campaigns are very good occasions to interact with the common people and appraise them about the vulnerabilities and possible issues of life style diseases.  Mr. Suresh is always at the forefront to lead these educational and awareness campaigns.  The potential of common people has always been used optimally to make available the right kind of care and support for patients especially in bedridden status and not in a position to return back to the normal life.  The virtue of Mr. Suresh was very well recognized by the Government of India and was honoured with the National Florence Nightingale Award 2012, the highest award of the land for any Nurse in the public health scenario.   His services for the patients at the time of natural calamities like flood, earthquake etc were also considered along with his contribution towards Palliative Care for debilitating patients, while being awarded with the highest honour.  Mr. Suresh is associated with the Palliative Care movement under DNipCare for the last five years and his contributions have benefitted much number of patients to think positively, receive treatment and care and also to have quality in their lives.   The photographs and reports supporting the recommendation of award to Mr. Suresh can be seen in the website and Blog of DNipCare in the public domain, detailed under:

The contributions of Mr. Suresh TP, thus, substantiate his winning (2nd Prize) of the prestigious International Journal of Palliative Nursing Award 2014 in the category as Palliative Care Nurse of the Year.  It is also pertinent to note that he is the only Indian to receive this international Award in 2014 among the 20 Awardees of 7 Categories viz., Educator of the Year Award, Development Award, Innovation Award, Multidisciplinary Teamwork Award, Service user/Carer/Volunteer of the Year Award, Palliative Care Nurse of the Year Award and Lifetime Achievement Award. 

With regards,

kv hamza,
General Secretary, DNipCare


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